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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Here is My Certificate of Instructional Design for E-Learning

The aim of the course is to understand what is E-Learning and how to design and develop effective E-Learning interactions, assessments and games.

Sunday, January 13, 2019


Augmented reality (AR) provides an environment that creates a realistic simulation for users via some visual elements and it enhances or changes the real world via these virtual elements.  This technology can be used every part of education, such as biology, chemistry, math, physics, and foreign language education to help learners in a learning process and enhance their creativity. The reason is that realistic simulation enhances the tools and activate students’ brain which affects their learning process in a good way. In other words, they will learn more effectively thanks to AR technology compared to the old one. 

Old techniques, such as textbooks, role-plays, videos, and others can enhance learner’s interaction with each other but these techniques have limitations in foreign language education. The reason is that these old techniques do not provide effective and meaningful activities or context. Thanks to AR, they can explore and experience the use of language in real-life conversations and activities. Everyone should be aware that language needs more practice to comprehend a language. With AR, they can practice real-life conversation and they can discuss what they have experienced which help them to speak well.

 There are some apps or websites that can provide AR technology, such as Augment and HP reveal. With these apps, I can create effective and attractive activities or games which will make my students more successful and motivated. 




Here is an example for AR from Augment website;



Firstly, You should downland Augment app to scan the codes. Secondly, click and scan the code like I did, then you will see the dancing shark in your phone. 

hp reveal ile ilgili görsel sonucu 

HP Reveal is another app that provides AR. You should download HP Reveal app to scan pictures and to create your own reality.




Here are my videos of the Augmented Reality, it is so fun to use it. 

Here is another video of AR,


Do not forget! Augmented reality is a living tool,    we can do things beyond what we think.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Flipgrid is a platform that allows teacher and students to construct new videos about a topic. A teacher can ask a question about a topic and students can response to videos about the topic or discuss it.  In addition, students build and strengthen social learning skills by discussing.
This platform can be bad for shy people because they need to record selfie video or they do not want to attend any discussion topic because of this situation.  
On the other hand, Flipgrid is so enjoyable because you can discuss a topic anywhere and anytime with your friends. Also, you can add some gif to your video which is another way of fun. 

flipgrid ile ilgili görsel sonucu

Sunday, January 6, 2019


Hot Potatoes is a program for creating quizzes. It consists of different applications, such as multiple-choices, short answers questions, matching exercises, and gap-fill exercises.  Teachers can construct quizzes by using these tools.  It is an old educational tool and maybe the origin one. There are many applications like Hot Potatoes, like Quizlet and Kahoot.
I created a quiz to experience it, you should try to gain experience.
Here is the one that I created. :)

Friday, January 4, 2019


Padlet is a platform to create a  schema to show information on any topic. In this platform students and teacher can collaborate, share knowledge, pictures, and videos. Teachers can use Padlet in the classroom. To exemplify, teachers can use Padlet to do brainstorming. In this way, everyone can see what others think and then the whole class can discuss the topic.  It is an enjoyable way to teach a lesson both teachers and students perspective. In this way, the learning and teaching process will have an effective process. students will participate more and teachers will be more motivated. this affects both process in a positive way.
Here is my padlet for you. Its topic is that the benefit of technology in the classrooms.



Virtual reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment which can be interacted with a person. It can be used for education, also it can provide complete learning process because it is the simulation of a real environment.  As we all know, while learning something, it is so important to interact with the real environment because people can learn better while doing. Virtual reality motivates students easily because it is so attractive for them. The reason is that they are digital natives and this kind of things make them motivated and successful in their educational life.
After I experienced virtual reality, I thought that we can use VR in education to make our students more active and successful.  We can use VR to teach a subject like body parts, they can learn by seeing and experiencing the subject or information. I think the most important thing is that they have a chance to learn a language by experiencing the language which leads to meaningful and complete learning for the students. As a future English teacher, I realized that we can make a lot of things by using VR. We can teach a subject effectively or create new activities to catch their attention.  We have a chance to be exposed our student into the language. For example, if I teach a subject by using VR in the classroom, it makes the learning process more attractive and exciting; therefore, it can be said that VR increases their excitements which helps them to remember more detail after the lesson. In other words, if we make the learning process more exciting for them, they will not forget the information that they get in the lesson.  The second point is that it increases their creativity because VR allows students to interact with their own imagination which afterward enhances their creativity skill and critical thinking part. For instance, teachers can want them to create the material by using VR and it will be a new technology for them and it catches their attention which increases creativity compared to past ones. The third point is that we can make a lot of group activities for better results. We can arrange competitions, games, and a lot of new activities for our students to enhance their motivation and learning process. For example, teachers can create games like catching, drawing, and matching a word to its real simulation. Students who wear a VR glass will have a chance to catch, draw, or match its simulation. This new style of activities make students more active and they will want to participate more and that’s why they will learn more. In this process, they will learn with fun and easy way which increases their motivation.
VR will be the future technology or tool for education, so every teacher should be aware of its importance. They should create activities, new techniques or styles to meet their students’ need. If they do not realize its importance, they will vanish from the future.

vr gif in education ile ilgili görsel sonucu